Still here

January 31, 2010

Wow, I can't believe my last post on the blog was sometime in September! Sorry for the long absence. This poor blog has been neglected long enough, time to bring it back to life. I started this blog as a way to share Messmer Family news with family and friends and anyone else who would like to read about my little family, time to recommit to that goal.

I know that today is the last day of January, but let me talk a little about New Years Resolutions. I'm not a fan of them, so I don't make them. I do however, make goals for myself (OFTEN..haha!) My word/goal for 2010 is Self-love. I want to keep this theme in the front of my mind throughout the year. I tend to put myself to the last spot on my long list and end up paying the price for it (as so does my family). It's true what they say, I've got to take care of me so I will be better able to take care of those around me and those I love.

So, some of the ways I'm focusing on Self-love are...
*Getting more sleep
*Exercise regularly (I'm happy to share that I've lost 12lbs since late December and can fit into smaller jeans stopping me now...haha!)
*Making time to enjoy my hobbies (digi scrapping and photographing my children)
*Not stressing over the things I can't control
*Balance between work and play

I've completed some new scrapbook pages recently (click on the image to enlarge it).

Thanks for looking


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